Shandong's Yantai Port wins green award in Malaysia|山东港口烟台港30万吨级原油码头获评“亚太绿色港口”称号
2024-11-03 12:47:27

The Yantai Port, part of the Shandong Port Group located in Shandong province, was recently honored with the title of Asia-Pacific Green Port in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, for using intelligent management systems, utilizing renewable energy sources and implementing measures to prevent oil spill accidents.This recognition marks an achievement as the port's 300,000-ton crude oil terminal becomes the first liquefied product terminal in China to receive this honor awarded by the international organization APEC Port Service Network.


A bird's-eye view of the crude oil terminal of the Yantai Port located in Huang-Bohai Sea New Area in Yantai, Shandong province. [Photo by Cui Yaowen/For]

Upon entering the dispatch center of the port's pipeline base, visitors will notice the intelligent screen displaying the oil pipeline network that links the warehouse area and vessels. This system ensures transportation safety by monitoring signals transmitted along the pipeline.


"This intelligent system, established for controlling liquefied petroleum production at the port, oversees tasks such as loading and unloading operations, tank storage, and pipeline transportation. It effectively reduces risks by 50 percent," said Liang Fengqi, the deputy general manager of Yantai Port Pipeline Company. 




Senior Editor:PangBo


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