European travel agents explore ethnic culture in Guizhou|欧洲国家旅行商贵州踩线团走进醉美黔东南
2024-07-23 03:46:46

European travel agents dance with Miao people at Basha Miao Village. [Photo/ddcpc website]

A delegation of European travel agents started their trip in Southwest China's Guizhou province on June 22. On June 24, they arrived in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture to explore the Basha Miao Village and Zhaoxing Dong Village and experience Guizhou's rich ethnic culture.


Located in Congjiang county, Basha Miao Village is renowned as "the world's last gunmen's tribe" and is a symbol of Miao's traditional culture. Here, the delegation learned about the village's development and customs, including traditional Miao dances.


Zhaoxing Dong Village is one of the largest Dong villages in China, renowned as "the number one village of the Dong people", and was selected as one of China's most beautiful rural towns by National Geographic in 2005.


"This is my first time visiting Zhaoxing Dong Village. I had only seen Guizhou's Dong villages on TV before. I feel exceptionally delighted to be here. The ethnic culture is incredibly rich, allowing me to truly experience Dong culture," said a travel agent from Austria.


At Zhaoxing Dong Village, the delegation passed through picturesque terraced fields and stunning pastoral landscapes. They were captivated by the scenery, immersing themselves in the beauty of the Dong countryside.


After dinner, they enjoyed the songs of the Dong ethnic group. The authentic and unique song sparked great interest among the travel agents.


Editor: Chen Dawei

Senior Editor: PangBo


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