Ethiopian student visits GMCC, the world's largest compressor manufacturer: provides the 'heart' for half of the world's air conditioners, assembling a compressor in 6s
2024-09-26 23:37:36

As global summer temperatures reach record highs in recent years, air conditioners have become essential to daily life. A key component in every air conditioner is the compressor, and what many may not know is that one out of every two air conditioners in the world uses a compressor produced by a company based in Guangdong, China—GMCC.

Recently, Yonatan, an Ethiopian student at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, visited the world's largest air conditioning compressor manufacturing base, GMCC Meizhi Science and Technology Park in Shunde, Foshan. During the visit, he had the opportunity to explore the intelligent production workshop and experience firsthand the innovation behind "Intelligent manufacturing in Guangdong."

In the factory's first-floor exhibition hall, Yonatan noticed a slogan on the wall: "One out of every two air conditioners worldwide uses a GMCC compressor." Curiously, he asked, "Is this true?" Zhang Hewen, the manager at the GMCC Meizhi Science and Technology Park, confirmed, "Yes, that's correct! In 2006, GMCC ranked number one in the global market, and by 2021, annual sales had exceeded 100 million units. As of 2023, GMCC holds a 45% share of the global air conditioning compressor market."

As Yonatan toured the factory, he observed fewer workers than expected on the production line, with most of the work being handled by robotic arms, complemented by human operators. Zhang explained that the Park, recently put into operation, has achieved a 65% automation rate, with 1,000 robots for every 10,000 employees—a ratio of one robot per 10 workers.

Yonatan asked, "How long does it take to produce one compressor in such an automated factory?" Zhang responded, "Each compressor requires multiple components, with varying production times. On average, some parts take as little as three seconds, while others take longer. We can produce a finished compressor on our main assembly line in just six seconds." Notably, GMCC's one billionth compressor rolled off the production line in September of this year.

Source : Lingnan on the Cloud






走进工厂,王子发现工厂内工人数量并不如他想象的那么多,生产线上大多数都是机械臂在工作,工人辅以配合操作。张贺文向王子介绍,美芝科技产业园刚刚投产不久,目前自动化水平已达到 65%,万人机器人保有量达到 1000,也就是说,每10个工人配备一台机器人。





文、图|付怡 温泽广






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