Joining hands with foreign friends to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival together
2024-09-18 12:10:02

To welcome the Mid Autumn Festival, the "Joining Hands with Foreign Friends to Celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival" event was held at the Southeast Asia branch of Yingke Medical Technology Co., Ltd., further promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and enhancing the cohesion and happiness of Chinese and foreign employees.

This event was held in the form of a cultural salon, with a fresh decoration on site and a strong festive atmosphere everywhere. It not only reproduced the traditional scenery of the Mid Autumn Festival, but also created a warm and harmonious communication environment for the foreign employees of Zibo Company. Employees from different countries such as China and Malaysia gather together to exchange and introduce Chinese classic culture. Chinese and foreign employees not only tasted various delicious mooncakes, but also shared the celebration methods of Mid Autumn Festival or similar festivals in their respective countries, promoting cultural exchange and collision. Chinese employees in the Southeast Asian branch expressed that this event made them feel warm and proud. Being away from their homeland and able to celebrate this traditional festival with colleagues in a foreign land not only eased their homesickness, but also deeply felt the warmth and inclusiveness of the corporate culture.

The successful hosting of the "Mid Autumn Festival Culture Going Global" salon event not only deepened the emotional bond between the international team of Yingke Medical, but also provided a good platform for foreign friends to deeply understand the cultural connotation and significance of traditional Chinese festivals, further promoting the international dissemination and exchange of Chinese culture.


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