Nationwide collective wedding unites 5,100 couples: 244 pairs tie the knot in Guangdong
2024-09-23 23:46:32

On September 22nd, 2024, a grand nationwide collective wedding took place in China, with over 5,100 couples from provinces, regions, and cities across China, including Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Chinese Taiwan, participating in this large-scale traditional Chinese ceremony. In Guangdong, three sub-venues were set up in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dongguan, where 244 couples from various professions celebrated their union in the uniquely romantic atmosphere of a traditional Chinese wedding, as part of the celebrations for the upcoming 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In Guangzhou, 89 couples took part in the ceremony, walking hand in hand into matrimony. The participants hailed from diverse fields, including soldiers, teachers, engineers, medical staff, corporate employees, financial industry professionals, and beauticians. After the ceremony, the couples visited Yunxi Botanical Garden to make a donation supporting the "Green and Beautiful Guangzhou" Campaign.

At the Shenzhen sub-venue, 75 couples entered into marriage together. Wearing traditional Chinese wedding attire, they exchanged blessings, pinned flowers to one another, and posed for group photos in a simple yet warm ceremony.

Afterward, the couples boarded Shenzhen's iconic red double-decker sightseeing bus, which took them on a scenic route past landmarks such as Mangrove Nature Reserve, OCT Harbour, and the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base, before arriving at the wedding venue.

Their average age was 29.88, with 28 couples working in high-tech industries, reflecting Shenzhen's strong high-tech presence.

In Dongguan, 80 couples, dressed in traditional wedding outfits, joyfully tied the knot in a setting filled with the charm of Chinese romance. Among them, two couples representing Dongguan and Hong Kong SAR, as well as Dongguan and Macao SAR, participated via video link, sharing heartfelt vows with viewers across the country and receiving countless blessings.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud

2024年全国万人集体婚礼举行 广东244对新人共赴幸福







文 | 记者 丰西西 王俊 叶何湘

译 | 邹晓华

英文审校 | 赵凡


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